Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Last day with chompers

It's the day before my surgery and I am lucky enough to wake up even earlier than usual. K gets up with the birds and was up at 6am. I can't believe I raised a morning person! He's slowly going to kill me! Anyway, he got up and proceeded to cough and cough and slurp his nose until about 7:30am when I decided it was not a good idea for him to go to school. After texting his TA he wouldn't be there and calling his bus driver not to come get him I was on a quest to find a sitter for him. I tried my mom all morning with no answer. Where the heck could she be so freakin' early?! Finally giving up about 8:20am I called C to tell him he's gotta take one for the team and come home-- I had major work to do today. Not 5 minutes after he agreed, my mom called to see why I've been calling. Uhg! Mom!? After she agreed to watch K I called C back to tell him he didn't need to come home. Turns out he was already on the way so I then had to call my mom back again and tell her never-mind. Whata mess! C was home from work by a little after 9:15am, just in time for me to leave, dropping off littleC at daycare and to be in the office by 10am. Phew. I'm already exhausted and my day just started!
Last day of work before my surgery tomorrow was crazy. About 20 minutes after arriving to work I got a call from Dr S's office. Panic and dread immediately filled me. 'He'd better not be cancelling my surgery again' -- is what popped into my brain. It was Natasha calling to see if I was all ready for tomorrow. I said I'm fine and I'd see them tomorrow at IMC. The next thing out of her mouth I should have guessed... "Oh, we changed your surgery to Riverton instead of IMC" Me, about ready to explode with frustration at her and that office: "Um you guys told me IMC, I even got a call from the RN at IMC yesterday to go over health history, meds, etc". Her response was "Yea... (long silence) We had to change it due to a scheduling conflict". A scheduling conflict?! WTH? That was the same excuse as last time! This office is really pissing me off and definitely not going to get a referral out of me. Nor are they instilling any confidence! I got off the phone and bitched to my coworkers about the latest drama when one made a genius comment- 'what about the authorization?' Oh boy am I glad she said something. Let me tell you...that call to Natasha was hilarious! In her words, "Oh I'm glad you thought of that, I didn't even think to do that." Seriously?! Sigh... Now I just had to preregister with the hospital and I'd be ready. Hopefully... Unless they change it again.
I had a huge report to get done and combining that with mildly annoying people and the beginning of a major panic attack things weren't looking good. And then a little past noon it got worse... The fire alarm went off. I was sequestered in my cubie trying frantically to finish everything I needed before going on my leave of absence and I DID NOT have time for a fire drill! I was pissed. I had just waved the rest of my team off in their request to go to lunch so I could work through lunch and now I have to slowly walk down 4 flights of stairs and clear to the middle of our parking lot. Unhappy was putting it mildly. After about 15 minutes outside we got the call it was safe to go back in. Oh joy! Had this not been my last day before being off I would've definitely taken the chance of being outside with my purse/keys and bolted for home. Fat chance this time. In the building I went and decided I might as well hit up the cafeteria for some lunch before heading back upstairs with the masses to get my work done. I chose an enchilada mostly because it was something I'd need to use my chompers for. :) LOL I gotta take advantage while I have 'em. Heading upstairs I carried my plate, my purse, keys & lack of will to go on. Soon after, the boss came over and stood beside me as I'm working and scared the living shit outa me. He was wondering when his report was going to be done. My response, "not for a while". It was a rough one.
Finally in the late afternoon I checked my voicemails at home and noticed the hospital had called to give me my arrival time. 10:15am. Sweet! I get to sleep in! That was a good thing. Still needed to preregister but no one had called yet. After searching for the number to call (which is funny since the call center is just a couple floors beneath me) I called and registered myself and got all that done. I was set. Oh my God...this is really happening! I'm freaking out.
At 6:30pm I left the office and met C for a childless last meal at Red Robin. I had a lovely Terriaki Chicken Sandwich and cheese fries with a yummy chocolate shake. Then picked up the boys and back home for a nice bath. Shaved my legs, pits and whatever else needed it and soaked for a while. I know this will be the last time for a week or so. After bath I still had to fill out my health history form and medication info and send it in to the hospital. After that I had to be a 'wife' for the last time for a few weeks...(wink)...and now it's sleepy time. Nothing to eat/drink after midnight for me. Clear liquids ok until 4 hours before the procedure and I can take a sip to take my morning pills.
I've made a list of groceries and honey-do's for C while I'm in the hospital and I will pack an overnight bag (basically my laptop and toiletries) in the AM.
Good night!

Oh and one last thing for today. Here's my 'boring' before pics to be able to see the difference when I post after:

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